Signals to myself

CLICK ON THE ARROW ABOVE TO HEAR THIS POEM     It has taken time to realise that these small changes are incremental signals of  approaching decline, not terrifying, just  inevitable and not to be  ignored. The precursor was cancer,  so discrete it was  almost secret, but  careful doses of …


    To leave in a complete  transformation of what you have been turning  functional to  the exotic, a triumphant defiance that effortlessly draws passing admiration yet signals end.   In my Autumn will I shed all that is me so elegantly

Circus Aeruginosus

    Lifting with one lazy stroke from stunted blackthorn you glide in the silence over sedge then almost brush the rustling carpet  of  dry reed’s autumn seed heads. Your mate follows, on a higher flight path alert for any movement your passage startles.   Your cruel dispossession is fully …

Starting to go

Nothing really prepares us for old age, it’s a mystery kept from the young, to prevent their discouragement.       Like an ebb tide after a full moon life starts to slip from its highpoint and flotsam begins to show.   Expectation has proven false; that age rewards with …


In response to a call for poems on the theme of ‘Hope’, I have written this poem.  Hope is such an integral part of our existence and it has been roughly abused by the accepted increase in selfishness.     YOU CAN LISTEN TO THIS POEM BY CLICKING ON THE …

Learning on the job

Nearly sixty years ago I loved the black humour that the skilled maintenance fitters used on their apprentices. Never forgotten!         Please click on the arrow button above to hear this poem     After months of continual and heavy use the pulp drier needed major repair. …

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